3 Things You Should Know Before Getting a Nose Job

Thinking about having a nose job? Well, there are certain important things you need to know before getting under the knife. 

1. Get Weeks Off Work

Are you ready to take a few weeks’ off from work? Rhinoplasty is a very complicated form of facial cosmetic surgery. Recovery may take up to 2 weeks. Take special care not to blow your nose. This may have a bad impact on the surgery. Patients are usually prescribed pain killers and other medications to negate the effects. You must rest and sleep with the head elevated.

2. It Takes Time – Exercise Patience

Did you know it takes about a year before you see full results of a nose job? A splint is placed over your nose for support during the surgery to provide stability to the new shape. You can see changes in the nose shape once the splint (1-2 weeks after the procedure). Minor swelling will be there for several months after nose job. It may take a year of longer to see the final results.

3. Realistic Expectations

It is important to have realistic expectations around your results. So make sure you discuss about the procedure and possible results with your surgeon during initial consultation.  It is also good to let your surgeon know what you want. They will assess you and let you know if the expectations are realistic and achievable. An experienced board certified surgeon and member of American society of plastic surgeons will make efforts towards preserving the function of nose and give it a natural look.

To Sum Up

Cosmetic rhinoplasty is mainly about enhancing the appearance of your existing nose. Expecting “perfection” or wishing to get nose of similar to a celebrity or someone else will not give you results.


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